My first recollection of money was one day when I was 5 years old and my grandfather came to visit.  He kneeled down in the driveway and handed me a dollar bill.  As time went on he continued this trend and shared a dollar with me each and every time I saw him.  I continued to collect and save those bills for many years.  It was a very elementary lesson, but I feel I learned how to save and handle money at a very young age.  My grandfather lived generously, although he was self-employed and his cash flow was inconsistent.  I noticed as he grew older and slowed down from working that his standard of living had changed.  It became evident to me that he never saved nor planned for his future retirement of life after work. No personal savings, no pension, and a gray divorce later in life put him into financial turmoil. 

As the only grandson of twelve grandchildren, he and I had a special relationship.  It later dawned on me many years later that these events had unconsciously en-grained several money lessons and behaviors that helped shape my personal values around money.  This helped create my personal mission with helping people to find purpose, and connecting their money with the things that are most important to them. This goes much further than focusing on investment returns.  I like to say, "Money without purpose is meaningless, it’s kind of like eating cereal without milk. It might taste ok - it's just not as satisfying."  At Weiser Financial Planning we want you to live your life values and reach your fullest potential.  We will help you make wise financial decisions for today and tomorrow.