Risk Management

5 Easy Ways to Protect Retirees from Financial Abuse

5 Easy Ways to Protect Retirees from Financial Abuse

Technology has helped to streamline the way we manage our money, allowing us to perform transactions and monitor our accounts online, instead of needing to do everything in-person. These tools are simple to use, getting better every year, and don’t cost any more than the traditional methods.

But there are risks involved, especially for our seniors. This vulnerable population is more likely to fall victim to the fraud and abuse that has come along with this digital revolution. Whether it’s phishing attempts, fraudulent lotteries, or exploitation by deceitful caregivers, these threats are becoming more common and more sophisticated.

There are ways to mitigate these risks. Here are five essential strategies that should help:

3 Biases That Can Sabotage Your Wealth

3 Biases That Can Sabotage Your Wealth

Making financial decisions can often be more challenging than it appears. A variety of subtle influences can cloud our judgment. Among these, behavioral biases like anchoring, loss aversion, and herd behavior have been found to shape our choices significantly. In this article, we’ll explore each of these biases and ways to counteract their influence.

How To Measure Your Portfolio in Uncertain Times

How To Measure Your Portfolio in Uncertain Times

Too often during uncertain times, we inadvertently compare ourselves to the people around us – and that leads us to make financial mistakes. In his book Predictably Irrational: The Hidden Forces That Shape Our Decisions, Dan Ariely remarks, “We don’t have an internal value meter that tells us how much things are worth. Rather, we focus on the relative advantage of one thing over another, and estimate value accordingly.”

Umbrella Policies - Extra Coverage and Peace of Mind

Umbrella Policies - Extra Coverage and Peace of Mind

Additional insurance to protect your assets and future

Why doesn’t anyone ever suggest that your shouldn't buy an umbrella liability policy? It seems like additional overall security for pennies. Sure, you can spend pennies paying for something you don’t need or will never use, but isn’t that the argument against all insurance? Let’s run some numbers and see if this kind of policy protects you.

As a financial planner we help people make wise money decisions, including protection of what you’ve accumulated over the years or are about to accumulate. To those ends, an umbrella liability policy adds another layer of insurance to your home and auto liability coverage. Umbrella liability usually comes in increments of $1 million and costs about…