
Most Investors Perceive Losses as More Impactful

Most Investors Perceive Losses as More Impactful

When managing personal finances and investments, people frequently exhibit irrational behavior for different reasons. If you’re one of these folks, be fair to yourself: It doesn’t even take a spate of market zigzags like we saw recently to prod you into questionable decisions.

Everyone makes choices about money nearly every day – how to earn, spend, save, invest and so on. Sometimes you pick wisely, sometimes harmfully. Some decisions, particularly those regarding when and where to invest, whipsaw from wise to harmful and back, depending on when you reached your conclusion and when you took the plunge.

Keep Your Eyes on The Road

Keep Your Eyes on The Road

Investing during market volatility can be like driving through a winter storm. Your best plan of action is to focus on what you can control and keep progressing towards your destination.

As the markets have continued to adjust to rising interest rates and inflation, you might think of your financial plan as a GPS system that you can rely on to keep you on track even when it's tough to see the path forward.

Here are five aspects of your financial plan that we recommend focusing on as we wait for this storm to pass … and prepare to weather the next one.