
Are You Following the Financial Herd?

Are You Following the Financial Herd?

Herd mentality is the tendency to follow the actions of a larger group, even when those actions might not be in one's best interest. When it comes to finances, herd mentality can have significant implications for your investments and retirement planning. The first step to avoiding this common bias is understanding its prevalence. Second, is identifying specific ways to curb the behavior. 

So why do we follow the herd and how can we avoid it?

CLIENT QUESTION OF THE MONTH: What is the Long-Term Performance of Gold?

CLIENT QUESTION OF THE MONTH: What is the Long-Term Performance of Gold?

It is natural for investors to search for safe investment havens with geopolitical conflicts and inflation. Some advocates of gold believe investors should allocate a significant portion of their portfolio to the asset citing the benefits of strong long-term returns and inflation protection. However, if you look at the evidence, you may start to doubt the role of gold in your portfolio…