What Should You Consider Before Relocating for Your Career?

What Should You Consider Before Relocating for Your Career?

According to a report published by Bloomberg, only 1.6% of job seekers relocated to take a new job in Q1 2023, an all-time low. More folks than ever value the freedom to work when, how, and where they want. Compromising on that freedom isn't just about what's best for your career, it's a question of how relocating will affect your Return on Life in three important areas.

Protect Your Children from Their Inheritance

Protect Your Children from Their Inheritance

Wealthy families often find themselves grappling with how to effectively pass along assets to their children while ensuring they are ready for the responsibility. As we tread towards the largest generational wealth transfer in history, there is a growing need to ensure those inheriting assets are adequately prepared to handle them. There are a variety of risks involved, including:

Express Gratitude as a Family This Thanksgiving

Express Gratitude as a Family This Thanksgiving

On Thanksgiving, many families will pause their feasts so that everyone gathered around the table can share something that they are thankful for - and many probably won't.

Maybe sharing gratitude has never been a part of your family’s Thanksgiving traditions. Or maybe the practice sounds a little corny or old fashioned. But expressing gratitude to loved ones and to ourselves can have a positive impact on your Return on Life.

Here are three reasons why your family should make gratitude a part of your holiday celebrations.

We All Have Money Blind Spots

We All Have Money Blind Spots

Blind spots, in the realm of investing, can be likened to the unnoticed smudges on a pair of glasses. They obscure a clear view of reality but can easily go unnoticed. In the world of finance, this can have costly implications. In reality, everyone has blind spots, not just in investing but in various facets of life. They shape our choices, often without our realization. By acknowledging their existence, seeking external guidance, and being open to feedback, we can navigate the treacherous waters of the investment world with a clearer vision. After all, the goal is not just to invest but to do so wisely and efficiently. Here are some examples and steps you can take to help manage blind spots.

Legacy Planning is Much More Than Estate Planning

Legacy Planning is Much More Than Estate Planning

Your legacy is bigger than your balance sheet. An effective estate plan, which protects and distributes your assets, is only one part of your larger legacy plan. Taking a Life-Centered approach using your intangible assets as a guide for transferring wealth will provide your heirs with life lessons. 

Try this three-step process to start memorializing more than just your money and maximize your Return on Life (ROL).

Can AI Help Improve Your ROL?

Can AI Help Improve Your ROL?

There's been so much chatter about potential drawbacks of AI like ChatGPT and Google Bard that many people are overlooking how AI can improve Return on Life. From automating mundane tasks to performing more efficient internet searches, there are almost limitless applications for these services -- if you know how to get the most out of them.

This brief guide to AI will give you a better understanding of what AI can and can't do, as well as prompts you can try to free up some valuable time at work and at home.