When it comes to personal finance, one of the most common—and frustrating—answers you’ll hear is, “It depends.” Whether you’re asking about the best way to invest, how much you should save for retirement, or how to minimize your tax burden, the response is often the same. And while “It depends” might seem like a cop-out, it’s actually the most honest and accurate answer anyone can give. Here’s why - your financial situation is unique and personal to you…
Raising Resilient Heirs
Giving kids and grandkids a leg up in the world is often an important goal of legacy planning. But just how easier should an "easier" life really be? If your legacy plan provides your heirs with too comfortable of a cushion, they may not gain the resilience they'll need to overcome challenges that money alone can't fix.
Encourage your loved ones to push themselves in these three ways and they'll learn how to carry on your family's legacy while also improving their Return on Life.
Should I Pay Off My Mortgage?
Being unsure whether to pay off your mortgage or not is a good problem to have. It means you have significant savings and have afforded yourself some choices. While the idea of being debt-free is appealing to many, there are also compelling reasons to keep your mortgage. Let’s explore both sides of the debate to help you make an informed decision.
Retire Like You Invest
The best habits often have applications in many different aspects of life.
We certainly feel that's true about our Life-Centered Financial Planning Process!
The transition to retirement is going to bring many changes, including how you feel about the relationship between your life and your money. But you can lean on the same principles that helped you secure your retirement to help you make that transition and enjoy your retirement more.
Let's review three cornerstones of Life-Centered Financial Planning and think about how we can reapply these concepts to living your best life in retirement.
Buy Experiences & Not Things for A Better ROL
Pick up your cell phone. If it's a few months or years old, try to remember when you first bought it. How shiny and light and scratch-free it was. How excited you were to sync up your accounts, take pictures and videos with the new camera, or play some games.
And now? Be honest -- it's just your phone. You might not be able to get through a day -- or an hour -- without it, but even if you've kept it in good shape the shine and the newness are gone.
That's due to a phenomenon that psychologists call "hedonistic adaptation." Over a very short period of time, the things we buy just become more things that we have, and that initial bust of happiness we feel when we crack open the box returns to the baseline.
On the other hand, buying experiences tends to create happiness that sticks with us, reverberates with our loved ones, and improves Return on Life. Here are three reasons why:
Student of the Market - November 2024
Stay ahead of the markets with timely insights by uncovering the latest on the global economy, geopolitics and retirement, among other timely investment ideas - Student of the Market - November 2024
The Many Benefits of Enjoying Your Work
Very few people love everything about their jobs. But even if you're someone who just clocks in and out for a paycheck, wouldn't it be nice to get a little more Return on Life from something you spend 40+ hours doing every single week? Whether you're looking into a career change or trying to reframe how you think about and perform at your job, here are four reasons to whistle while you work:
Having the “Money Talk” with Aging Parents
Discussing finances with aging parents is never easy. As a result, many families simply delay these conversations or avoid them altogether. This can lead to unexpected financial surprises, misunderstandings, and even conflicts down the road.
By talking openly about money, you ensure both their future and yours are secure, prevent potential disputes, and help in planning for long-term care. Your goal in having this conversation is not just about understanding their financial situation but also about ensuring financial stability and facilitating smooth estate planning.
Parents who have accumulated wealth over the years may be resistant to the idea that they need help managing their money. It’s important to be mindful of your language and positioning. It’s not, “I need to know how much money you have.” Nor is it, “You shouldn’t do this by yourself.” There are more delicate ways to broach the subject, and we’ve outlined a few possible scenarios below:
Creative Hobbies Can Improve Your Work and ROL as a C-level Executive
The demands of being a C-level executive can be so overwhelming that you might feel like you're "on call" even on your rare days off. If you're struggling to unplug from your work, perhaps you need to make more purposeful investments of time and energy into your hobbies. Adding some creative relaxation to your routine could help you make three big improvements that could reduce burnout and boost your Return on Life.
Quarterly Market Review 2024 Q3
Check out our Quarterly Market Review - 2024 Q3 featuring world capital markets and a timeline of events for the past quarter.